Another Innovation from Bitshares Openledger on Graphene by Crytonomex
Great Social Tool (Tipping Included)
The syntax for calling the bot in reddit is
+/u/sharebits 100 BROWNIE.PTS
Here, +/u/sharebits - calls upon the bot and the amount followed by the asset name or BTS will tip the user either the asset or BTS.
Eg : +/u/sharebits this is awesome have 1842 BTS will tip the user 1842 bitshares.
The syntax for calling the bot in twitter is
@username #sharebits 100 bts
Here, @username defines the person to whom the tip is sent, the # calls upon the bot, and the amount and coin name defines the quantity and coin to be sent.
Eg : @UnitedNations Here’s 100 BTS from #sharebits for better governance
Forum Tipping
The syntax for callnig the bot in the bitshares forum is
sharebits “username” 100 BTS
The # calls upon the bot, the username in inverted comma’s defines the user name, which can be followed by the amount of the coinEg :#sharebits “freebieservers” Here’s 1500 BTS for coffee
So you can basically load any of your ‘small change’ (assets that you are not using) onto the sharebits platform direct via openledger like this

Written with StackEdit.
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